

Share a few grammarian giggles by checking in with some of our favorite language-loving websites. Time spent with these folks beats a brainless bout of Angry Birds EVERY time.

A WAY WITH WORDS A guilt-free pleasure you can hear on NPR, this radio program from linguistic specialists Martha Barnette and Grant Barrett of offers a steady supply of quirky commentaries and joyful debates about the crazy English language. Tune in weekly and learn the origins of wacky words like thingamajigs, doodads and those ever-essential whatchamacallits.
GRAMMAR GIRL’S QUICK AND DIRTY TRICKS  Dangling modifiers, tricky prepositions, possessives and transitive verbs are sources of lighthearted discussions when Grammar Girl Mignon Fogarty leads the parade. You won’t believe it ‘til you see it, but she makes grammar approachable, scary-no-more and just plain fun.
GRAMMARBLOG: SMUG IS GOOD If your mean streak needs a stroke, you’ll enjoy the violent suggestions Grammarblog lobs against folks who don’t appreciate the importance of punctuation – for instance, offender’s ( uh, er, we mean “offenders”) should be strung up by their gonads. Of course, it’s “all in good fun.” We think.

 Another fun blog for folks who appreciate the hilarity that lurks within darn near every paragraph ever written, this one features the mental meanderings of June Casagrande, author of Grammar Snobs Are Great Big Meanies. She blogs about “You know, like, grammar and stuff.”