
We’re goldminers, sans the hardhats, because we search out the golden nuggets that make your company special, then fashion them into unique treasures you’ll display on web pages and elsewhere.

Stop hiding your treasures: put your organization’s history and wealth of expertise on display.

You see, everybody has a story to tell, but most folks are shy about it and  think their histories aren’t that interesting, or they simply don’t see the point of  “bothering anybody” with them. Others brashly take the opposite approach, talking loudly or bragging boorishly — basically saying a whole lot of NOTHING.

Both of these scenarios are evidenced en masse on the web, and it’s fair to say that, over time, it’s become a serious pet peeve of ours. Rather than acting peevish, however, we simply got proactive, and voila, our SplendidStories program was born.

Putting our natural inquisitiveness and reporter skills to work, we help clients remember what they already know and articulate what’s really important to them. It’s a bit like goldmining — only a lot less messy — and the results are stories on your websites and in your press materials that shine and draw attention.

At SplendidlySaid, we know how to cut through the crud and sort through the mental clutter to cultivate and create the stories that give your customers and clients a clear and positive sense of who you are, why your company is great and what they and others will find special about you. This type of storytelling isn’t about make-believe machinations or fiction writing, it’s about helping clients with knowledgeable people and strong background stories maximize these assets by conveying them, properly and well, to audiences sure to appreciate, value and connect to the message. It’s also about forging real and beneficial relationships with your buying public and standing out from the crowd.
Words are a powerful weapon, and when used well, they’re a magnificently honest and straightforward marketing tool.

Let us help you share your stories & show ’em what you know.
Call 972-965-7947 or email erogers@splendidlysaid.com TODAY. 

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